One of the goals of the PL9GA is to recognize the growth and achievements of our players in the game of golf. Annual awards will be given to members at the closing day luncheon. To be eligible for an annual award, the member must play in at least one-quarter (¼) of the play days throughout the season. The Recognition/Handicap Committee will track:


Pars – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate a Par by circling the score on your card.


Birdies– will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate a birdie by circling the score on your card. Birdies obtained during league days are recognized throughout the season with the placement of a "birdie" on the PL9GA Birdie Tree in the Ladies Locker Room. ​


Eagles – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate an Eagle by circling the score on your card.


Chip-Ins (putt off the green is considered a chip-in) – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate an chip-in by placing a circled “CI” adjacent to your hole score.

Most Improved Golfer

Most Improved Golfer – At the end of the season the Committee (along with the golf pro) will determine the most improved golfer for the season based on handicap variance.

Ringer Card

Ringer Card - Ringer scores are tracked for each member. A ringer score is the lowest recorded score on each hole for the entire season. season. Awards are presented to the players with the most improved ringer scores at the end of the season for the front and back nine.