Pace of Play
We are not asking you to race through your game. You just need to play efficiently and know when to pick up your ball and move on. Golf is not a game of “entitlement". Because you have paid your greens fees does not entitle you to play at a pace that disrupts the game for others in your group or those behind you. Following is a list of suggestions to speed up play:If the group in front are close, players with the shortest potential yardage should tee off first.Persons playing from a bunker should hit first and rake while other players hit.Cart drivers should drop their partner off and then proceed to their ball or park between both balls. If you’re not sure which club to use, take a couple with you.Limit practice swings.The numbers of strokes per hole should not exceed your ESC. If you need to speed up the pace, pick up when it’s evident that your achievable score will not be lower than your ESC.Continuous putting is recommended if you are within one club length of the hole. This is a recommendation—the player reserves the option to mark and wait. Record your score at the next tee box, not at the green.Always leave carts positioned toward the next shot or the next tee. You should never have to walk back to get to your cart or your bag.Help your foursome. Watch others hit and watch the ball flight to help everyone find balls quickly.If a player has lost a ball, other players should hit their ball first and then assist in the search.Limit your search for a lost ball to 3 minutes or not at all, if you know it will not be found. USGA rules state 5 minutes but they also state that if a group is waiting they should be allowed to play through.Never delay making a stroke because you're having a conversation with another player.
The Club has permitted our association to schedule league play during prime time. It is critical that all players maintain the proper pace of play to enable the Club to open the course for other players at a pre-determined time. The typical time for a 9-hole round of golf on our course is approximately two hours. The Ranger will monitor the field during league play to ensure our group's pace of play conforms to the allotted time. If the group in front of you is not within sight, the ranger may recommend that your foursome speed up its pace. A concerted effort should be made to minimize the gap between the group in front of you. If there is one player slowing up your group, she should voluntarily pick up and record her ESC for the hole. If it is necessary for the Ranger to issue a second warning, your foursome may be directed to pick up and move on to the next hole. Players that are unable to complete the hole should record their ESC as their score.