Membership in the PL9GA

Membership in the PL9GA

Membership in the PL9GA is open to golf members of The Plantation Golf and Country Club. Our membership is comprised of recreational women golfers who love the game, the outdoors, and the camaraderie. We encourage participation of all women interested in playing golf, regardless of skill level. Annual membership dues are $65.00 payable prior to November 1st. The membership calendar year is November 1st through October 31st. Dues are not pro-rated and are not refundable.

PL9GA MembersPL9GA members are eligible to participate in all activities including weekly league play and games, special events, Invitationals, and the annual recognition program. In the event a member does not have an established handicap at The Plantation, a temporary handicap will be assigned by The Plantation golf professional. Members are encouraged to establish a handicap as quickly as possible. 

New Plantation Golf & Country Club MembersAn open invitation is extended to all new Plantation Golf & CC members to join the PL9GA members on the course during league play. New members will be permitted to play in the league once without membership in the PL9GA. This introductory offer enables new members the opportunity to experience league play and become acquainted with the group prior to committing to join the association. New members without a current handicap established at The Plantation may participate in the games/prize awards utilizing a temporary handicap issued by the Plantation golf professional based on their GHIN # or five previous scorecards from any club played within the last 12 months.

Print out the form and fill it out. 

Payment can be made by cash or personal check. If paying with cash, please include your name on the inside of the envelope. If paying by check, make the check payable to "Plantation L9GA". Drop your envelope in the PL9GA mail slot located adjacent to the lower level business office in the Clubhouse or give it to an employee in Pro Shop. Please mark the outside of your envelope PL9GA Attn Sally Glavin. 


You can also mail or send a personal check directly from your bank account. Make your check payable to "Plantation L9GA" and mail to:PLANTATION PL9GA -  Sally GlavinTHE PLANTATION G&CC10500 DARTINGTON DRIVEFORT MYERS, FL 33913

Membership Dues: $65.00