Join the Fun!

Empowering Women Through Golf in Southwest Florida

About Us
The Plantation Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association (PL9GA) was established in 2012 for the recreational pleasure of its members bound together by an interest in golf and social interaction. 

The goal of the PL9GA is to create opportunities for women of every ability level to promote camaraderie, friendship, sportsmanship and enjoy the game of golf in a welcoming environment.  

In support of our goal, the association offers organized activities which include seasonal weekly league play, coordinated group play, special events, recognition of achievement, and a mentorship program to foster new players wishing to develop golf skills.

Skill Development

Improve your game with weekly challenges, our skill development workshops, and clinics led by our golf pro's. Open to all ages and levels.

Social Events

Participate in social events and gatherings, providing opportunities to connect with fellow female golfers on and off the course. Our weekly games are so much fun, and so are our community and social events. A great place to make new like-minded friends.

Weekly Golf Games

Join us every week for 9 holes of golf with rotating members. It's a great opportunity to hone your skills, share your love of golf, and meet others that live in our community.

Membership in the PL9GA

Membership in the PL9GA

Membership info, and application

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Nury Duerst


Cindy Carson

Vice President/Co-Chair Membership

Sally Glavin


Gail Guimond


Adrianne Takash


Darlene Cuneen


Denise Kovic

Recognition and Awards

Renee McConahy

Co Chair - Membership

Andrea Parker


We thank them for their previous service to our Organization

Volunteer Form and PL9GA Job Descriptions

Volunteer Form and PL9GA Job Descriptions

Volunteer Form for Leadership in the PL9GA Job Descriptions of Roles in Pl9GA

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  •  4/1/2025 01:00 PM
  •   10500 Dartington Drive, Fort Myers, FL, USA

Join the fun on April Fools Day! Surprises await!

  •  4/8/2025 08:30 AM
  •   10500 Dartington Drive, Fort Myers, FL, USA

Season Closer hosted by LG18 - 8:30 shotgun - Lunch included. FORM YOUR OWN TEAM OF FOUR! The theme is Flip Flops and Lemon Drops. Check out the pro shop for cute, theme related outfits.

Myerlee Invitational 4-2-25

Reach out to Cindy Carson if you would like to play or call or text to 914-424-3960

Highland Woods K.I.S.S. 5-2-25

Reach out to Cindy Carson if you would like to play or call or text to 914-424-3960

Pelican Sound K.I.S.S. 5-7-25

Reach out to Cindy Carson if you would like to play or call or text to 914-424-3960

February PL9GA Newsletter

February PL9GA Newsletter

February PL9GA Newsletter

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Minutes of February 5, 2024 Board Meeting

Minutes of February 5, 2024 Board Meeting

Minutes from the February 5th, 2025 Board Meeting

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January PL9GA Newsletter

January PL9GA Newsletter

January PL9GA Newsletter

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Minutes of January 15th, 2025 Board Meeting

Minutes of January 15th, 2025 Board Meeting

Minutes from the January 15th, 2025 Board Meeting

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December PL9GA Newsletter

December PL9GA Newsletter

December PL9GA Newsletter

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Minutes from the December 6, 2024 Board Meeting

Minutes from the December 6, 2024 Board Meeting

Minutes from December 6, 2024 Board Meeting

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Golf Genius

To access Golf Genius please follow these instructions. Copy the link below and past into a new webpage to access the PL9GA GG page. ​ On the PL9GA Golf Genius page click Sign In in the upper right-hand corner and enter this GGID: EAELRT ​

On the Course

Good etiquette on the golf course means that you play at a good pace and keep up with the group ahead of you. Your place on the course is directly behind the group in front of you, NOT directly in front of the group behind you. You should try to be only one shot behind the group in front of you. Often slow players don't realize how they impact others, throwing off their tempo and ruining their enjoyment of the round.


Golf is the only game without an umpire or referee present to enforce the rules. Rules are enforced by players; therefore, it is important for all of us to be knowledgeable on the rules of golf. The PL9GA Rules Committee will hold periodic Rules Seminars based on the USGA rules of golf for stroke play.  The goal of the committee is to encourage learning, not assign penalties.  
Any questions or concerns should be directed to the rules committee chair, Barb Tabaie. Any disagreements will be referred to the club professionals. Let us know the question that comes up during play, we can address so that we can all learn together.  Have fun, play by the rules! 

Ready Golf

Ready golf allows the golfers within a group to take their swings whenever any member of the group is ready to play. If you reach your ball and are ready to hit, while other members of your group are not yet prepared, then go ahead and hit.
A few simple guidelines for ready golf include:
  • Be attentive—know when it is your turn to play and be ready to go.
  • Walk to your ball as soon as possible, so that you can choose your club and think about the shot in advance, not when it is your turn.
  • Carry tees, extra ball, ball marker, and more than 1 club (if necessary). 
  • Hit your shot only if it does not interfere with other players or when it’s apparent that the player furthest from the green needs additional time.
  • Once on the green—slow down—and follow the rules of etiquette on the putting green. Wait until it is your turn to play and take advantage of learning how to read the green by watching the path of the ball while others putt. Line up your putt while you wait and proceed immediately when it is your turn to play. Putting is one of the most important parts of the game of golf—one half of all strokes allotted for a score of par are putts!

How's your Pace?

Look to the group in front of you, not behind you. When you are:
  • on a Par 4, you should see the group on the green. 
  • on a Par 5, you should see the group in the fairway. 
  • on a Par 3, you should see the group on or leaving the green.

Pace of Play

We are not asking you to race through your game. You just need to play efficiently and know when to pick up your ball and move on. Golf is not a game of “entitlement". Because you have paid your greens fees does not entitle you to play at a pace that disrupts the game for others in your group or those behind you. Following is a list of suggestions to speed up play:If the group in front are close, players with the shortest potential yardage should tee off first.Persons playing from a bunker should hit first and rake while other players hit.Cart drivers should drop their partner off and then proceed to their ball or park between both balls. If you’re not sure which club to use, take a couple with you.Limit practice swings.The numbers of strokes per hole should not exceed your ESC. If you need to speed up the pace, pick up when it’s evident that your achievable score will not be lower than your ESC.Continuous putting is recommended if you are within one club length of the hole. This is a recommendation—the player reserves the option to mark and wait. Record your score at the next tee box, not at the green.Always leave carts positioned toward the next shot or the next tee. You should never have to walk back to get to your cart or your bag.Help your foursome. Watch others hit and watch the ball flight to help everyone find balls quickly.If a player has lost a ball, other players should hit their ball first and then assist in the search.Limit your search for a lost ball to 3 minutes or not at all, if you know it will not be found. USGA rules state 5 minutes but they also state that if a group is waiting they should be allowed to play through.Never delay making a stroke because you're having a conversation with another player.  
The Club has permitted our association to schedule league play during prime time.  It is critical that all players maintain the proper pace of play to enable the Club to open the course for other players at a pre-determined time. The typical time for a 9-hole round of golf on our course is approximately two hours. The Ranger will monitor the field during league play to ensure our group's pace of play conforms to the allotted time. If the group in front of you is not within sight, the ranger may recommend that your foursome speed up its pace. A concerted effort should be made to minimize the gap between the group in front of you. If there is one player slowing up your group, she should voluntarily pick up and record her ESC for the hole. If it is necessary for the Ranger to issue a second warning, your foursome may be directed to pick up and move on to the next hole. Players that are unable to complete the hole should record their ESC as their score.

One of the goals of the PL9GA is to recognize the growth and achievements of our players in the game of golf. Annual awards will be given to members at the closing day luncheon. To be eligible for an annual award, the member must play in at least one-quarter (¼) of the play days throughout the season. The Recognition/Handicap Committee will track:


Pars – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate a Par by circling the score on your card.


Birdies– will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate a birdie by circling the score on your card. Birdies obtained during league days are recognized throughout the season with the placement of a "birdie" on the PL9GA Birdie Tree in the Ladies Locker Room. ​


Eagles – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate an Eagle by circling the score on your card.


Chip-Ins (putt off the green is considered a chip-in) – will be tracked after each league game by the Committee utilizing the player’s scorecards. Indicate an chip-in by placing a circled “CI” adjacent to your hole score.

Most Improved Golfer

Most Improved Golfer – At the end of the season the Committee (along with the golf pro) will determine the most improved golfer for the season based on handicap variance.

Ringer Card

Ringer Card - Ringer scores are tracked for each member. A ringer score is the lowest recorded score on each hole for the entire season. season. Awards are presented to the players with the most improved ringer scores at the end of the season for the front and back nine.

  • 10500 Dartington Drive, Fort Myers, FL, USA